19 Efficient Ways for Cleaning the House

19 Efficient Ways for Cleaning the House

  1. Try to wake up early and take advantage of the opportunity to do something you do not do daily, and leave the routine for the other days.
  2. Make a list of everything you want to organize and clean, then bring the equipment, tools, and detergents you will need before starting the cleaning. 
  3. Bring a box to collect the scattered items in the house, to put them in the proper place. 
  4. You can play and listen to some of your favorite music while cleaning to make it easier and more fun. 
  5. Stay away from the random arrangement, because you will feel exhausted after it to no avail, so do not arrange everything that falls on your eyes, but make for you a coordinated order. 
  6. Divide your cleaning schedule into daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. 
  7. Don't go overboard with arranging the house and doing all the tasks in one day, because either you won't be able to get it done or you will feel tired and bored. 
  8. Do two things at once, that is, for example, you can listen to a useful program while cleaning, or put a cream bath on your hair while cleaning the shower. 
  9. Always try to ventilate the house every day by opening the windows in the morning while cleaning. 
  10. Get rid of everything you do not need and have not used for a year. Too many items cause confusion and mess and make the overall cleaning process difficult and complicated. 
  11. Do not clean each room entirely and then move to the next room, it will consume a lot of time, but it is preferable to perform one cleaning task in the entire house, then start the task that follows, and so on. 
  12. Make every item in the house a stable place, so everything in the home should be in a drawer, on a shelf, or even in a box. 
  13. Dust every room completely, and start with the dust accumulating on top as it moves and falls on the furniture. 
  14. After dusting the surfaces in each room, use a sprinkler full of water with a teaspoon of baking soda added to it, and spray the mixture in the air in all directions, to remove the dust and dust stuck in the air. 
  15. Apply cleaning fluids to surfaces before cleaning, and let them interact with surfaces first, to remove stains, especially in bathrooms, sinks, bathtubs, and kitchens. 
  16. Change the bedspreads and fabrics covering the furniture in all rooms. Gloss mirrors and glass surfaces using two microfiber cloths, one wet and the other dry. 
  17. Make sure to put a small litter box in each room, and accustom your children to throw everything in it. 
  18. Before cleaning appointments, prepare food the day before, so you don't do the cooking and cleaning tasks at the same time. 
  19. Get your children involved in housework and cleaning as much as they can, such as returning things to their place, as you can assign them a simple task to speed up the cleaning process and keep them busy while you finish the rest of your housework. 

Author - شركة تنظيف منازل الكويت